I am soon 24, but I still can’t figure it out. Tired of monotony, but also to change something reluctance. In the evening I want to go home soon, to the TV. At work I often sit idle, pursues the feeling that I’m wasting time. It doesn’t work to build a personal life: men leave me. I live in Moscow for the second year, but it was not possible to find friends. At the same time, I feel that I myself do not strive to communicate – this is even more lonely. I seem to not see myself in the future, I don’t know what to strive for. The worst thing: I understand that only I am to blame for everything that is happening to me.

Irina, you do not need to blame yourself – so you put yourself a sentence, implying that nothing good is waiting for you further.

It happens that we don’t want anything. But, only by trying different classes, we can understand what we really want. Do not be afraid that you are too tired of new hobbies – because there is also a pleasant fatigue, as after swimming or dancing. Imagine what you can get if you get up with something new. For example, learning a language opens up opportunities for travel, and you can give your first picture to loved ones or hang it at home.

Remember what you dreamed about, why did you come to Moscow. Start the implementation of long -abandoned plans. At first it can be difficult and you will have to force yourself, but soon you will notice how the attitude to life will begin to change.

It is difficult to find loved ones in a big city. But friends will appear as soon as you become interesting to yourself. No need to hold on to work if it does not bring satisfaction. Try yourself in different areas, get another education, if necessary. No one https://www.sierrabullets.com/pag/crowns-casino-review-an-experts-perspective.html can change your life until you start changing it yourself.

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